TikTok has a few common problems.
One is the black screen problem.
If your account is black, it probably means that your environmental disguise has completely failed.
It is because tk has identified that your account is completely in a country where it is restricted.
For example, if you are in Hong Kong or in the mainland, it means that you need to re flash the machine to set up some environments.
If you have zero playback, there are different possibilities.
10% of the possibilities are due to environmental problems, that is, your environmental camouflage problem, or your IP node problem.
Then 10% is still a metaphysical problem, because tk has such account reviews, which are machine controlled, I don't think about it.
Hello, I'm Nanjing Guling E-commerce Co., Ltd., focusing on cross-border resource docking.
It can be swished if necessary.
The third 80% question is about your content.
For example, if you pass the test, because its content also has risk control, the T set is not only a risk control of the environment, but also a risk control of its content.
It will take some frames to check duplicates.
If you encounter such a zero playback problem, you should first ask yourself whether you are moving content, and then whether the quality of your content is particularly poor.
The third big problem is the sudden drop in traffic.
That is, you may operate for a period of time, and your IP is not too big a problem, but you have a sudden drop in traffic, and the probability is still your content problem, Especially for some problems of transportation, the background of tk will directly mark a transportation, so we must do a good job in weight removal.
It is a solution to break zero playback.
You can simply perform a self check through the following figure.
After the video is released, tk will generally start to push some traffic within a few hours, usually not more than 24 hours.
If the time exceeds 24 hours, your playback is still zero, you may need to think about your environment first, see if you plug in the card to the mainland, then whether there is residual information about the mainland operators, and whether your IP node location is different, If you are a non remote IP and your node has some problems in sharing, check yourself first.
The other is content duplication check.
If your content is transported without in-depth editing, it will definitely be detected.
Let's determine whether it is a problem with the content or the environment.
We can probably use two methods, one is the co production, the other is the green screen.
Basically, these two functions are used, First, it has completely created a new video.
You can use a video that you co shoot with a popular video, for example.
Your video itself is a new video, so it is unlikely that there is a problem with transportation.
Moreover, if you use this function, it will judge you as transportation, and this function will basically be disabled.
We use a normal logic

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