This is the video I played for 2 million.So how can we achieve a sustained growth in the number of players and earn profits? 1.Can TIKTOK make money? In June 2021, the number of active users in TK will exceed 1.2 billion.It has covered 150+countries and provides 75 language choices.It is also a short video communication social platform that directly communicates with Facebook and Google to seize international users.The traffic is large, the market is big, and the blue ocean period is blue.Like the Tiktok two years ago, the future prospects are unlimited.We are doing the global market.Now the TIKTOK goods market is in the starting and rising stage.We use our spare time every day to do accounts and earn US dollars, After 1000 fans of TIKTOK, they can hang up independent stations (equivalent to Taobao e-commerce links).After the links are hung up, they can make profits.Before 1000 fans, they did not make profits.The backstage of the independent station can see the accurate data, and how much you have sold.3.What types of videos to bring and how to reach 1000 fans.The first is to move Tiktok to TIKTOK, and the second is to move Tiktok to TIKTOK.Select some product videos without subtitles, and then perform mixed cutting and uploading of subtitles and other secondary processing by yourself.1.How much time you need is arranged according to your own time, but you need to stick to it.You can spare 1-2 hours every day.You can edit and publish videos at any time of day on Windows computers.Generally, it will be better in the morning How long it takes to make money is different for everyone, because everyone has different product selection logic (products that domestic people like may not be popular abroad, because foreign people need to wait 15 days for express delivery to buy things.If ordinary people can buy them out of the supermarket, they will not wait 15 days.They must be some new, innovative, interesting products.When your products and videos are better, 1000 fans are not a problem) 1 Will it be difficult to move the video (it's easy to see what you choose) 10.Early standards for daily video release: 3-5 for 0-1000 fans every day, and 1-3 for 1000 fans every day (three days to fish, two days to bask in the net, which is also difficult to do accounts) Process directory: STEP-01: Select and find materials STEP-02: Remove watermarks and download STEP-03: Tiktok recommendation logic and editing method STEP-04: Publish videos through webpages STEP-05 Repeat STEP-06 Operation sopSTEP-01: Select and select materials 01 What kind of products will be popular on tiktok? A novel (interesting) example: a flowering plant pencil we used to work part-time costs 8 yuan to play for one million videos.We sold 30 yuan for 300 orders.B, with a strong sense of value, it meets the foreigners' aesthetic standards.The six videos of volcanic humidifier have a pink rise of 2.2w.The cost is 50 yuan, and the price can be as high as 50 dollars.C.It has obvious contrast effect.It is a functional product we made before
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